Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year

Hello everyone!!!It's been a while since I last posted, almost three months have passed, and I've really missed it. It's pointless to tell you now that I've been incredibly busy and that time and distance didn't allowed me to do what I love most, because you already know that.
I want to thank you all for checking out my blog every once in a while, even though I was missing. It was a wonderful surprise to see so many views after 3 months of nothing, so really guys thank you from the bottom of my heart!
I noticed today that I had some posts prepared but didn't posted them, so I decided to post one of them in which you can get to know me a little more. 

So, this year is over, and I'm being a little nostalgic remembering all the good times I had. I am sure the new year is gonna be even better, with new adventures and filled with happines and love. I didn't get the chance to post a new year's outfit, as tonight I'm gonna be working at an event. Yes on new year's I'm working, but I don't mind, I actually wanted this for a long time. I love this day, because it brings the promise of new beginnings, and there's also fireworks... which I absolutely adore :D. 
My godmother asked me to post these photos a.s.a.p. so here they are :)). I hope you guys like them as much as I do. Thank you Andrei for these beautiful pictures! 
I hope the new year will get you all that you want!!! So keep your heads up and party until dawn tonight, celebrating the year that is gone and the new one that comes.

I'm gonna have to leave you now, to prepare for tonight's big event, but I'll be back soon I hope.
I hope you guys liked this post and the beautiful pictures Andrei shot, and thank you again for not leaving me, and checking out my blog!!! Wha are your wishes for the new year ? I'm looking forward to hear your opinions and suggestions. I wish you all a wonderful weekend. See you next time. kisses

Don't forget to check out my facebook page:

Lots of love <3

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The Versatile Blogger Awards - TAG

Hello everyone!!! I've been trying for so long to respond to this tag and I think I can finally do it. First of all I have to apologise to Irina for taking me this long, but I had a very busy period, which is not  over yet, but will be, soon enough. This is the first time I'm doing such a thing, and I am happy I've been nominated. Well, let's get started.

This TAG has a set of rules which will be listed below:

1.Thank the person who told you about the tag. Thank you very much Irina. I didn't expected that

2.Link her blog here. Done that above. Here it is again:

3.Pick 15 bloggers which you are constantly following, or have recently discovered. Sadly I have to skip this one. I hope it's ok with you guys, but I don't have much time to spend on this area and I'm following the international ones from their beginning.

4.Leave them a link on their last post to let them know about this tag.

Well in the next part I have to tell you 7 things about me :D.

1. The first one is the obvious one... I like taking pictures, I'm a selfie person and I like to take tons of pictures.
2. I absolutely love to travel <3. Ever since my very first trip outside of Romania, which has happend when I was 15 (now I'm 23 for those of you who don't know), I fell in love with it. I love traveling outside the country as well as I love getting to know my own country.
3. I'm in love with sunsets, seaside, and mountains. I can't help it ... I keep photographing them with every chance I get.(you can see pictures of them on my instagram @sinziananegres)
4. I'm a TV series addict, and I watch over 20 of them. This month I have only 14 :D. I have to say I love good movies too, and the last one I saw was "The Martian". I absolutely loved it and I recommend it to you.
5. I do not own a DSLR camera, not even a compact camera for that matter, but I intend to buy one as soon as possible.
6. I liked very much to draw when I was younger, it was chilling me out , but lately I stopped doing that ... I don't know why... maybe the lack of time ...
7. I am a positive person and I always see the good in any situaion. (okay I may have my fair share of nerves sometimes but I always calm down and seek the best I can do with it )

Well these are 7 things about me, but some of them you already knew. If there's anything else you want to know about me, feel free to ask. I'll answer any of your questions.

Ro: Buna tuturor!!! Am incercat de foarte mult timp sa raspund acestui tag si cred ca in sfarsit pot face asta. In primul rand trebuie sa-i cer scuze Irinei pentru ca mi-a luat atat de mult timp, dar am avut o perioada foarte agitata, ce inca nu a luat sfarsit, dar se va termina destul de curand. Este prima oara cand fac un asfel de lucru si sunt fericita ca am fost nominalizata. Sa incepem!

Acest TAG are si un set de reguli ce vor fi enumerate mai jos:

1.Multumeste-i persoane care ti-a spus despre tag. Multumesc frumos Irina. Nu ma asteptam sa fiu nominalizata.

2.Include link-ul catre blogul respectiv. Am facut asta mai sus. Uitati-l din nou:

3.Alege 15 bloggeri pe care ii urmaresti in mod constant, sau pe care i-ai descoperit recent. Din pacate trebuie a sar peste aceasta regula. Sper ca este in regula, dar nu am mult timp pentru a-l petrece in aceasta zona (a bloggerilor), si ii urmaresc pe cei internationali, de la inceputuri.

4.Lasa link la ultima lor postare pentru a-i anunta despre acest tag

Ei bine, in urmatoarea parte trebuie sa va spun 7 lucruri despre mine :D.

1. Primul lucru si cel mai evident este faptul ca imi place sa fac poze (atat sa fiu pozata cat si sa pozez). Sunt o persoana gen selfie, imi place sa fac mii de poze
2. Iubesc sa calatoresc <3. Inca de cand am calatorit pentru prima oara in afara Romaniei, lucru care s-a intamplat cand aveam 15 ani (acum am 23 pentru cei care nu stiu), m-am indragostit de calatorii. Imi place sa calatoresc in afara tarii atat de mult cat imi place sa calatoresc aici, sa imi cunosc propria tara.
3. Sunt indragostita de apusuri, mare si munti. Nu ma pot abtine... Le fotografiez cu fiecare ocazie pe care o am . (puteti vedea poze cu ele pe pagina mea de instagram @sinziananegres)
4. Pot spune ca sunt o dependenta de seriale, si urmaresc peste 20 dintre ele. Luna aceasta am decat 14 :d. Trebuie sa precizez ca imi plac si filmele bune si ultimul pe care l-am vazut a fost "The Martian". Mi-a placut la nebunie si vi-l recomand.
5. Nu detin un aparat foto DSLR, nici macar un aparat compact, daca tot a venit vorba, dar intentionez sa cumpar unul(DSLR) cat de curand posibil.
6. Mi-a placut foarte mult sa desenez cand eram mai mica, ma relaxa, dar in ultima perioada am incetat sa mai fac acesy lucru... Nu stiu de ce ... poate lipsa timpului ...
7. Sunt o persoana pozitiva si incerc sa vad binele din fiecare situatie. (okay ma enervez si eu ca orice om dar ma calmez si incerc sa gasesc cea mai buna solutie).

Ei bine, acestea sunt 7 lucruri despre mine dar pe unele dintre ele deja le stiati. Daca vreti sa stiti orice altceva despre mine intrebati-ma. Voi raspunde tuturor intrebarilor voastre.