Monday, August 31, 2015

White skirt and animal print - OOTD

Hello everyone!!! A lot has happened in the last month and my schedule isn't that free anymore... I have to manage my time between work, family, friends, photoshoots and blogging ( and currently I'm a mess, but I'm keeping a positive attitude hoping that I will manage to do it better, I just need to focus more on what's important to me ). On the bright side I just received the photos from Martin Andrei. I've been waiting for them for a month if not more, but I get it, wedding season is here and he has a lot of events. And on top of that Andrei has moved to Bucharest... (I'm happy for him but sad for me :)) but everything is gonna be alright). I'll have to adjust to this new schedule, so that's why I'm writing at this hour in the night :D.

So, as I told you before, these photos were taken a month ago, when outside the weather was unbearable, so hot you could barely breathe (or so it seemed that time :D ). I still missed those days when the rain came with 16 Celsius degrees but I should stop talking about this. I chose that day an easy outfit, and tried to keep it as white as possible. I love this white skirt; it's comfortable and simple yet it has a sophisticated touch. At first I wanted to create an all white outfit with a sheer shirt with long sleeves, but it was too hot outside so I decided to go for a more comfortable  piece, such as this wonderful ruffled tank top in black and white animal print. I think it was a good decision to not wear the white sheer shirt. The golden zippers from the skirt and the buckle from my platforms made me choose gold once again in matter of accessories ( not that I would have chosen anything else :D ). Thank you very much Martin Andrei for these beautiful pictures.

I hope you guys like this post. Please let me know what you think about it in the comment section below. I'm looking forward to hear your opinions and suggestions. I wish you all a wonderful week. See you next time. kisses

Skirt: New Yorker
Tank top: New Yorker
Platforms: Pull&Bear
Accessories: H&M and Bershka

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Sunday, August 23, 2015

White maxi skirt and flower print top - OOTD

Hello everyone!!! How have you been? I hope you are fine and didn't forget about me. I know it's been long since the last time I posted something, but it's been a crazy couple of weeks with new and interesting projects, that require a lot of time and attention. I got a couple of free days and now I'm at the seaside having some fun.

For today's post I chose to show you a preview of a shooting I did a month ago in Bucharest in one of those beautiful parks I love so much. The photographer is another friend of mine. His name is Elvis and he is really talented. Unfortunately he hadn't time to edit all the pictures but hopefully I'll be able to show them to you soon. We chose to shoot a dreamy look, with a girlish touch, so I thought white and flower print would be perfect. I opted for a maxi sheer skirt from H&M and a flower print top from Zara. I wanted to wear heels to look a bit more tall but I forgot them in the car and we would have lost the sunlight if we returned to pick them up. Even so I think these pictures are amazing. Thank you Elvis for putting up with me and for these wonderful pictures. I\m looking forward to see the rest of the pictures.

I hope you guys like this post. Please let me know what you think about it in the comment section below. I'm looking forward to hear your opinions and suggestions. I wish you all a wonderful week. See you next time. kisses

Top: Zara
Skirt: H&M
Jewellery: H&M

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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Tuesday Travel Diary - Transfagarasan

As I told you in my previous post, I'm gonna start a new category on the blog - Travel Diary. I won't be posting every Tuesday since I can't travel all the time (although I would love to ). For our first travel diary I chose to tell you about a trip we did a couple of weeks ago. Me and a couple of friends went to the mountain and there the weather was harsh with us, it was really foggy and it rained, not to mention the 12 Celsius degrees we had to endure, but it was an awesome trip. I have never been to Transfagarasan before. I think you've heard of it ... some call it "the best road in the world". "It has a spectacular view and 90 km of twists and turns that run from north to south across the tallest sections of the Southern Carpathians, between the highest peaks in the country, Moldoveanu, and the second highest, Negoiu. The road connects the historic regions of Transylvania and Wallachia, and the cities of Sibiu and Pitesti. " . If you want more info about it click here.

The view on the way to Balea Lac which is a glacial lake is amazing. You don't know where to look first, left or right, not to mention that the view from up there is speechless. I'm really glad that it was foggy outside because it had such a mystery vibe. You can sleep there, they have cottages with everything you need, but because it's such a beautiful place you have to plan your trip ahead and book  in advance a room or two. I definitely recommend you to visit it and spend at least one night there. You won't regret it, trust me. These pictures were taken with our phones and don't do justice to that amazing place. Unfortunately we couldn't stay there and had to go back so I couldn't explore it properly, but the next time I'll get there, I will definitely spend a night or two, and explore all its surroundings (dressed with warmer clothes because I was freezing until one of my friends gave me a blouse. And a reminder for me - don't wear sandals :d ).

I hope you guys like this post. For more updates follow me on instagram @sinziananegres. Please let me know what you think about it in the comment section below. I'm looking forward to hear your opinions and suggestions. I wish you all a wonderful week. See you next time. kisses

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Sunday, August 9, 2015

Portraits - Useful Tips

Hello everyone!!! Another beautiful Sunday has passed and I was being tourist in my own country . It's a nice feeling to visit new places and discover how beautiful they are, especially when they are so close to you. But this is a story I'm gonna be telling you about very soon. Today I'm going to to show you some beautiful portraits. Andrei took these pictures some time ago, but I never posted them on the blog, and I think it's about time to do it. As you can see, they are taken in different seasons (spring, summer, autumn and winter - the summer one is already posted on Fields of Gold ). I love every one of them and I think each one has something special, a message, a feeling,..

In the first picture we were indoors. I really wanted to shot this idea with red rose, lips and nails, and dark hair colour, makeup, dress and background. I know it looks like I'm staying comfortable but it wasn't that comfortable, as I had to stay on a 45 degrees angle on my right side. As you can imagine we had to shot a bunch of pictures from various angles to get the best picture, and my right side was already numb until we were happy with the result, but it was all worth it. 
In the second picture it was summer, you probably know this picture as it is part of another post. I think this is the most comfortable picture from this set of four, but it had just a tiny moment of discomfort, when Andrei reflected the sunlight straight to my face and it went straight in the eyes. The normal reflex each human has is to blink, but I had to keep my eyes open for a moment longer and afterwards they were filled with tears. 
In the third picture it was autumn, and we just shot the wicked witch pictures. On our way out of the forest we found a fallen tree, and Andrei got an idea. So I had to climb the tree, lay on my back and I was a bit scared because it was pretty high, and the tree wasn't that solid. But somehow I found a way to forget about it and focused on what Andrei was telling me. It is really important to communicate with your photographer and listen to what he says - it is crucial if you want your photos to look good, because he knows what angle is the best for you, where is the better light, how it looks on your skin, and more, so you should always listen to your photographer.
In the last picture it was winter as you can see, and it was freezing cold outside (you can tell by the skin colour of my hands). I was wearing just that sweater and a tank top beneath it. I was in knee high snow, maybe a bit more, and my boots were soaked in water. That means Andrei was going through the same thing as I did, but he had a jacket on, and that's a plus of comfort :D. I'm really proud about all the pictures and I love each one of them.

So at the end of the post I can sum up some useful tips for beautiful portraits, based on my experience:
- Focus on what you want to transmit no matter how uncomfortable you are
- Communication with your photographer is the key of a good picture
- Always keep your eyes open
- You should feel comfortable with your photographer
- If you are feeling uncomfortable, remember that most of the times, so is the person behind the lense
- Sacrifices must be made in order to get a good picture
- Patience is the key of success
- It's all about the little details
- Good lighting is crucial for a good portrait
- Keep your chin up, but not too much
- Don't use a lot of makeup because it won't look natural
- Keep a natural feeling as much as you can
- Rest the night before taking pictures
- Find a nice and quiet place to shoot pictures
- Try to have fun while posing

These past days were quite busy so I had to skip the thursday and friday posts (I always say I will plan ahead but I just finished sorting through pictures :D ), but I will be posting this week and hopefully we will have a new section on Tuesday ( it will not be a regular one because I can't travel each week but I really hope to do it more often because I love it). For daily updates follow me on instagram @sinziananegres. Stay tuned and be sure to check out the Tuesday Travel Diary.
I hope you guys like this post. Please let me know what you think about it in the comment section below. I'm looking forward to hear your opinions and suggestions. I wish you all a wonderful week. See you next time. kisses

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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Un nou concept - Camasile Dragos Prioteasa

Hello everyone!! This post is in romanian, but you can have a look at these awesome shirts if you want :

Buna tuturor!!! Aceasta este o postare diferita de cele cu care v-am obisnuit pana acum, insa de curand am cunoscut o persoana talentata si ambitioasa , care are un magazin online de camasi. Persoana in cauza este un baiat ( ati ramas putin surprinsi nu ?) si creeaza camasi deosebit de frumoase. Mai jos aveti un articol ca sa puteti cunoaste brand-ul mai bine si persoana din spatele acestui concept. Va invit sa intrati pe site-ul lui si sa vizualizati frumoasele modele de camasi: 

Camasile Dragos Prioteasa | Stil inovativ si eleganta

 A fost lansat magazinul online !
In spatele brandului Dragos Prioteasa se afla o echipa de designeri tineri si in acelasi timp cu experienta pentru a satisfice cerintele celor ce isi doresc camasi premium barbatesti. Stilul inovativ si masculin impus de Dragos Prioteasa se adreseaza barbatului cu multa prospetime, caruia ii place sa se prezinte intotdeauna ingrijit si sa iasa in evidenta.
“ Ideea de a porni un magazin online si un brand propriu a venit din partea  solicitarilor a mai multor clienti, care pe tot acest parcurs doreau sa aibe acces virtual la toate creatiile “ a declarat Dragos Prioteasa.
Intreaga colectie de camasi de barbati, a fost creata din dorinta de a oferi  acestora  prin modelele unice, calitate, confort, estetica si o foarte buna purtabilitate in toate ocaziile pe care acestia si le doresc : de la asocierea unei camasi cu blugi la serviciu, pana la ocazii deosebite precum dineuri unde eleganta reprezinta un “Must Have”

Croiala camasilor este slim fit si reprezinta rezultatul unei analize foarte bine dezbatute dintr-un termen lung. Materialele folosite sunt italienesti avand in componenta fibra din bumbac 100% iar toate produsele sunt manufacturate in Romania in detalii calitiative precum: pana la 8 impunsaturi/ cm, nasturi cusuti manual pentru rezistenta superioara, etichetele nu deranjeaza in contactul cu pielea fiind concepute dintr-un material placut atingerii.

Accesand magazinul virtual veti gasi modele din toate tinutele :  camasi business, camasi de ceremonie, camasi casual si camasi vintage.
De asemenea, produsele respecta mult una dintre cele mai bune rapoarte calitate-pret de pe piata vestimentara!

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Sunday, August 2, 2015

All White Look - OOTD

Hello everyone !!! Sunday is here so it's time for a new blog post. It seems like this week I managed to post as scheduled: on Thursday, Friday and finally today <3. For those of you who follow me on instagram you can see daily updates.( oh, and since we're talking about instagram, on Friday in that awesome inspirational post full of sketches, I told you I was gonna draw something and I did. It actually looks pretty good, and I'll be posting it on instagram really soon, so be sure to check it out @sinziananegres). 

For this shooting ( I think we shot these pictures on Wednesday) we chose a pretty white dress and took pictures in 3 different places. We walked around the city looking for new and interesting places to take pictures and we found some and then we finally went to a park. It was a hot day, meaning that outside were 36-37 Celsius degrees, but we managed to stay hydrated and clean for our beautiful pictures. The dress is from Zara, I bought it a few years ago and I still love it. I think it is a timeless piece because white will always be a summer trend, and it has a feminine cut and yet simple. It is absolutely adorable and I will always love it. I paired it with a pair of white sandals (who are killing my feet although it doesn't seem like this)  for an all white look, a little chic bag, and golden accessories ( which have become my favourite ). I really like the result. What do you think about it ?

I hope you guys like this post. Please let me know what you think about it in the comment section below. I'm looking forward to hear your opinions and suggestions. I wish you all a wonderful week. See you next time. kisses

Dress: Zara 
Heels: Mim
Accessories: H&M and Bershka (necklace)

Pictures taken by Andrei. Thank you for all the beautiful pictures! <3 

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